v1 RSS-PHP; RSS Parser Source Code

RSS-PHP is released as "good will" gesture to the community and may be used for in-direct commercial purposes. The only restriction being that you do not repackage, or re-release RSS-PHP as your own work.

If you like RSS-PHP, share it, digg it, blog it, link back to source [rssphp.net]

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RSS-PHP Example

Here's a simple solution to convert RSS to HTML using RSS-PHP and Smarty:

/* RSS_PHP */
require_once 'rss_php.php';    
    $rss = new rss_php;
/* Smarty */
include 'Smarty.class.php';
    $smarty = new Smarty;
/* expecting more ?? */

Full documentation and examples of RSS-PHP are available on this site. Like what you see? then download the latest version of RSS-PHP the PHP RSS Parser.

RSS-PHP Source

    RSS_PHP - the PHP DOM based RSS Parser
    Author: <rssphp.net>
    Published: 200801 :: blacknet :: via rssphp.net
    RSS_PHP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.

        See the documentation at http://rssphp.net/documentation
        Can be found online at http://rssphp.net/examples

class rss_php {
    public $document;
    public $channel;
    public $items;

    public load methods
    # load RSS by URL
public function load($url=false$unblock=true) {
            if($url) {
                if($unblock) {
                } else {
    # load raw RSS data
public function loadRSS($rawxml=false) {
            if($rawxml) {
    public load methods
        @param $includeAttributes BOOLEAN
        return array;
    # return full rss array
public function getRSS($includeAttributes=false) {
            if($includeAttributes) {
                return $this->document;
            return $this->valueReturner();
    # return channel data
public function getChannel($includeAttributes=false) {
            if($includeAttributes) {
                return $this->channel;
            return $this->valueReturner($this->channel);
    # return rss items
public function getItems($includeAttributes=false) {
            if($includeAttributes) {
                return $this->items;
            return $this->valueReturner($this->items);

    internal methods
private function loadParser($rss=false) {
        if($rss) {
            $this->document = array();
            $this->channel = array();
            $this->items = array();
            $DOMDocument = new DOMDocument;
            $DOMDocument->strictErrorChecking false;
            $this->document $this->extractDOM($DOMDocument->childNodes);
    private function valueReturner($valueBlock=false) {
        if(!$valueBlock) {
            $valueBlock $this->document;
        foreach($valueBlock as $valueName => $values) {
                if(isset($values['value'])) {
                    $values $values['value'];
                if(is_array($values)) {
                    $valueBlock[$valueName] = $this->valueReturner($values);
                } else {
                    $valueBlock[$valueName] = $values;
        return $valueBlock;
    private function extractDOM($nodeList,$parentNodeName=false) {
        $itemCounter 0;
        foreach($nodeList as $values) {
            if(substr($values->nodeName,0,1) != '#') {
                if($values->nodeName == 'item') {
                    $nodeName $values->nodeName.':'.$itemCounter;
                } else {
                    $nodeName $values->nodeName;
                $tempNode[$nodeName] = array();                
                if($values->attributes) {
                    for($i=0;$values->attributes->item($i);$i++) {
                        $tempNode[$nodeName]['properties'][$values->attributes->item($i)->nodeName] = $values->attributes->item($i)->nodeValue;
                if(!$values->firstChild) {
                    $tempNode[$nodeName]['value'] = $values->textContent;
                } else {
                    $tempNode[$nodeName]['value']  = $this->extractDOM($values->childNodes$values->nodeName);
                if(in_array($parentNodeName, array('channel','rdf:RDF'))) {
                    if($values->nodeName == 'item') {
                        $this->items[] = $tempNode[$nodeName]['value'];
                    } elseif(!in_array($values->nodeName, array('rss','channel'))) {
                        $this->channel[$values->nodeName] = $tempNode[$nodeName];
            } elseif(substr($values->nodeName,1) == 'text') {
                $tempValue trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/',' ',str_replace("\n",' '$values->textContent)));
                if($tempValue) {
                    $tempNode $tempValue;
            } elseif(substr($values->nodeName,1) == 'cdata-section'){
                $tempNode $values->textContent;
        return $tempNode;
    private function randomContext() {
        $headerstrings = array();
        $headerstrings['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.'.rand(0,2).'; en-US; rv:1.'.rand(2,9).'.'.rand(0,4).'.'.rand(1,9).') Gecko/2007'.rand(10,12).rand(10,30).' Firefox/2.0.'.rand(0,1).'.'.rand(1,9);
        $headerstrings['Accept-Charset'] = rand(0,1) ? 'en-gb,en;q=0.'.rand(3,8) : 'en-us,en;q=0.'.rand(3,8);
        $headerstrings['Accept-Language'] = 'en-us,en;q=0.'.rand(4,6);
        $setHeaders =     'Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5'."\r\n".
                        'Accept-Charset: '.$headerstrings['Accept-Charset']."\r\n".
                        'Accept-Language: '.$headerstrings['Accept-Language']."\r\n".
                        'User-Agent: '.$headerstrings['User-Agent']."\r\n";
        $contextOptions = array(
        return stream_context_create($contextOptions);


RSS-PHP Dependencies

As RSS-PHP utilises the DOM to parse RSS, and the DOM Extension is installed as part of the PHP Core, RSS-PHP's only dependency is PHP 5.

RSS-PHP Internationalization and Character Encoding Support

RSS-PHP uses the UTF-8 Character Encoding by default, this is a dependency of PHP's DOM.

Use utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() to work with texts in ISO-8859-1 encoding or Iconv for other encodings.

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