RSS-PHP; RSS Parser Source Code

RSS-PHP is released as "good will" gesture to the community and may be used for in-direct commercial purposes. The only restriction being that you do not repackage, or re-release RSS-PHP as your own work.

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RSS-PHP Example

Here's a simple example using XPath to retrieve all items from the bcc news rss feed that have a category of "Politics":

/* RSS_PHP */
require_once '../../rss_php.php';

    $rss = new rss_php;


Full documentation and examples of RSS-PHP are available on this site. Like what you see? then download the latest version of RSS-PHP the PHP RSS Parser.

RSS-PHP Source

note: version 3 of RSS-PHP includes four additional objects: enhanced iconv support, automatic xml encoding detection and translation to UTF-8, a high speed http transportation object featuring browser immitation, and a valid http request generator; non of which have there source displayed here.

 * PHP DOM based XML (RSS) Parser Thing
 * Fri Feb 08 21:00:31 GMT 2008
 * @package RSSPHP
 * @author <>
 * @version 3


//    should rss-php attempt to perform auto encoding detection and conversion to UTF-8 (requires iconv)
//    should rss-php die if it finds an encoding unsupported by the machine
//    should rss-php use HTTP_TRANSPORT



if(RSS_PHP_ENCODING_CONVERSION && function_exists('iconv')) {
        if(file_exists(RSS_PHP_BASE.'encoding/xml.php') && file_exists(RSS_PHP_BASE.'encoding/iconv.php')) {
            require_once RSS_PHP_BASE.'encoding/iconv.php';
            require_once RSS_PHP_BASE.'encoding/xml.php';
            if(class_exists('encoding_xml') && class_exists('encoding_iconv')) {
    if(!defined('RSS_PHP_USE_RSS_ENCODING')) {

if(RSS_PHP_HTTP_TRANSPORT && function_exists('stream_socket_client')) {
        if(file_exists(RSS_PHP_BASE.'http/request.php') && file_exists(RSS_PHP_BASE.'http/handler.php')) {
            require_once RSS_PHP_BASE.'http/request.php';
            require_once RSS_PHP_BASE.'http/handler.php';
            if(class_exists('http_request') && class_exists('http_handler')) {
    if(!defined('RSS_PHP_USE_HTTP_HANDLER')) {

if(file_exists(RSS_PHP_BASE.'rss.php')) {
        require_once RSS_PHP_BASE.'rss.php';
    } else {
        if(!class_exists('rss_php')) {
            die('ERROR: RSS_PHP CAN NOT BE FOUND [path: '.RSS_PHP_BASE.'rss.php'.']');

class rss_php {

 * Array to hold all DOMProcessingInstructions found in an input XML Document
 * @var Array
public $DOMProcessingInstructions;
 * Array holding all XMLNS (XML Namespaces) found in an input XML Document.
 * @var Array
public $DOMNamespaces;
 * Nested Array of Objects (DOMElements)
 * @var Array
public $document;
 * Internal storage of the DOMDocument
 * @var DOMDocument
public $DOMDocument;
 * Preloaded Internal DOMXPath Object for use with ->query function
 * @var DOMXpath
public $DOMXPath;
 * configuration variable : use rss_encoding_xml && rss_encoding_iconv libraries
 * provides automatic language detection and converion to UTF-8
 * @var bool
public $useXMLEncoding=false;
 * configuration variable : use core transport_http_handler library
 * setting this variable to FALSE changes the object to use file_get_contents
 * @var bool
public $useHTTPTransport=false;

    public function __construct() {
            $this->useXMLEncoding true;
            $this->useHTTPTransport true;
 * load a local or remote xml document into rss_php
 * @param string $url the location of the url, local or remote
 * @param string $user if specified will be used as the http auth username
 * @param string $pass if specified will be used as the http auth password
 * @return boolean success
public function load($url=false$user=false$pass=false) {
            $returnValue false;
            if($url) {
                $urlparts parse_url($url);
                if($urlparts) {
                    if((count($urlparts) == && isset($urlparts['path'])) || (count($urlparts) == && isset($urlparts['path'])&& isset($urlparts['scheme']))) {
                        #local file
if(file_exists($urlparts['path'])) {
                            $returnValue $this->loadParser(file_get_contents($url));
                        } else {
                            die('RSS_PHP ERROR : can not find the specified file ['.$url.']');
                    } else {
                        #remote file
if($this->useHTTPTransport) {
                            $http_handler = new http_handler;
                            if($user && $pass) {
                                $http_handler->setHeaderValue('Authorization''Basic '.base64_encode(trim($user).':'.trim($pass)));
                            if($http_handler->executeRequest()) {
                                $returnValue $this->loadParser($http_handler->getSingleResponse($url));
                            } else {
                        } else {
                            $returnValue $this->loadParser(file_get_contents($url));
                } else {
                    die('RSS_PHP ERROR : PHP cannot parse the given path / url ['.$url.']');
            } else {
                die('RSS_PHP ERROR : Parameter 1 [path/url] cannot be null');
            return $returnValue;
 * load raw xml into rss_php
 * @param string $rawxml raw xml in a string
 * @return boolean success
public function loadXML($rawxml=false) {
            if($rawxml) {
                return $this->loadParser($rawxml);
            } else {
                die('RSS_PHP ERROR : Parameter 1 [rawxml] cannot be null');
 * load raw rss into rss_php
 * @deprecated this is included for backwards compatibility only, please use method loadXML()
 * @param string $rawxml raw xml in a string
 * @return boolean success
public function loadRSS($rawxml) {
            return $this->loadXML($rawxml);
 * load an array into rss_php
 * @param array $array to be converted
 * @param string $rootNodeName if specified a root object of rootNodeName will be created and all array data appened
 * @return boolean success
public function loadArray($array$rootNodeName=false) {
            $this->DOMDocument = new DOMDocument('1.0''UTF-8');
            $this->DOMDocument->strictErrorChecking false;
            $this->DOMDocument->formatOutput true;
            $this->DOMDocument->preserveWhiteSpace false;
            if($rootNodeName) {
                $array = array($rootNodeName => $array);
            return $this->gdoc();
 * return a referenced array to document
 * @param boolean $includeAttributes include all info, default FALSE neat output of node values only
 * @return array multidimensional associative array of all nodes and reference values
public function &getValues($includeAttributes=false) {
        if($includeAttributes) {
            return $this->document;
        return $this->valueReturner();

 * return return full rss array
 * @deprecated for backwards compatibility only, please use getValues()
 * @param unknown_type $includeAttributes
 * @return unknown
public function &getRSS($includeAttributes=false) {
        return $this->getValues($includeAttributes);
    # return rss items
public function &getItems($includeAttributes=false,$limit=false,$offset=false) {
        if($includeAttributes) {
            $items $this->getElementsByTagName('item');
        } else {
            $items $this->getValuesByTagName('item');
        if($limit !== false || $offset !== false) {
            $items array_splice($items$offset$limit);
        return $items;
 * return the document as an xml document
 * @return string XML
public function getXML() {
        return $this->DOMDocument->saveXML();
 * return an assocate array of all DOMElements matching $tagName
 * including all attributes
 * @param string $tagName (tag/node)name to search for
 * @return array formatted dom node list
public function &getElementsByTagName($tagName) {
        return $this->extractDOM($this->DOMDocument->getElementsByTagName($tagName));
 * retrieve all namespaces defined in the current document
 * @return array
public function getNamespaces() {
        return $this->DOMNamespaces;
 * retrieve all processing instructions related to the current document
 * @return array
public function getProcessingInstructions() {
        return $this->DOMProcessingInstructions;
 * return a referenced associative array of all values whos (tag/node)name matches $tagName
 * @param string $tagName (tag/node)name to search for
 * @return array referenced array of nodename/value pairs (and any child elements)
public function getValuesByTagName($tagName) {
        return $this->transformNodeList($this->DOMDocument->getElementsByTagName($tagName));
 * provides XPath query functionality to rss_php
 * @param string $XPathQuery must be valid XPath syntax
 * @return array referenced array of nodename/value pairs (and any child elements)
public function query($XPathQuery$includeAttributes=false) {
        $result $this->DOMXPath->query($XPathQuery);
        if($includeAttributes) {
            return $this->extractDOM($result);
        return $this->transformNodeList($result);
 * @internal parse XML and turn into an accessible dom document
 * @param string $xml raw xml
 * @return boolean success
private function loadParser($xml=false) {
        if($xml) {
            $this->document = array();
            if($this->useXMLEncoding) {
                $xml_encoding = new encoding_xml;
                $xml $xml_encoding->precode($xml);
            $this->DOMDocument = new DOMDocument;
            $this->DOMDocument->strictErrorChecking false;
            $this->DOMDocument->formatOutput true;
            $this->DOMDocument->preserveWhiteSpace false;
            return $this->gdoc();
        return false;
 * @internal set up initial DOMDocument, DOMXPath and extract namespaces
 * @return boolean success
private function gdoc() {
        $this->DOMXPath = new DOMXPath($this->DOMDocument);
        if(!$this->document $this->extractDOM($this->DOMDocument->childNodes)) {
            die('RSS_PHP ERROR : The file specified appears not to be a valid xml file');
        return true;
 * @internal negotiate internal DOMDocument and return an array
 * @param DOMNode $valueBlock one of any element which extends a DOMNode
 * @return array all name/values pairs as multidimensional associative array
private function &valueReturner($valueBlock=false) {
        if(!$valueBlock) {
            $valueBlock $this->document;

        foreach($valueBlock as $valueName => $values) {
                if(is_array($values->children)) {
                    $valueBlock[$valueName] = $this->valueReturner($values->children);
                } else {
                    $valueBlock[$valueName] = &$values->valueData;
        return $valueBlock;
 * @internal parses DOMNodeList objects into an associative array for return from public functions
 * @param DOMNodeList/DOMNode $nodeList 
 * @param array $valueBlock current array level
 * @return array final name/value pairs for return from methods
private function transformNodeList($nodeList$valueBlock=array()) {
        $itemCounter 0;
        $levelNames = array();
        foreach($nodeList as $node) {
            if(!isset($levelNames[$node->nodeName])) {
                $levelNames[$node->nodeName] = 0;
            } else {
        foreach($nodeList as $values) {
            if($levelNames[$values->nodeName]) {
                $nodeName $values->nodeName.':'.$itemCounter;
            } else {
                $nodeName $values->nodeName;
            if(is_array($values->children)) {
                $valueBlock[$nodeName] = $this->valueReturner($values->children$valueBlock);
            } else {
                $valueBlock[$nodeName] = &$values->valueData;
        return $valueBlock;
 * @internal update values internally for export
 * @param DOMDocument/DOMNodeList $nodes
private function rebuildDOM($nodes=false) {
        if(!$nodes) {
            $nodes $this->document;
        foreach($nodes as $node) {
            if(isset($node->attributeNodes)) {
                foreach($node->attributeNodes as $aName => $aVal) {
                    $node->setAttributeNode(new DOMAttr($aName$aVal));
            if(is_array($node->children)) {
            } else {
                if(is_object($node)) {
                    if(isset($node->valueDataType)) {
                        if($node->valueDataType == 3) {
                            $newTextNode $this->DOMDocument->createTextNode($node->valueData);
                        } elseif($node->valueDataType == 4) {
                            $newCDATANode $this->DOMDocument->createCDATASection($node->valueData);
 * @internal extract registered XMLNS namespaces using XPath
private function extractNamespaces() {
        $namespaces $this->DOMXPath->query('namespace::*');
        foreach ($namespaces AS $namespace) {
            if($namespace->localName !== 'xml') {
                $this->DOMNamespaces[$namespace->localName] = $this->DOMDocument->lookupNamespaceURI($namespace->localName);
 * @internal turn a standard DOMDocument into a more accessible format
 * @param DOMDocument $nodeList
 * @return DOMElement internal return only to create document
private function &extractDOM($nodeList) {
        $itemCounter 0;
        $levelNames = array();
        foreach($nodeList as $node) {
            if(!isset($levelNames[$node->nodeName])) {
                $levelNames[$node->nodeName] = 0;
            } else {
        foreach($nodeList as $values) {
            if($values->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
                if($levelNames[$values->nodeName]) {
                    $nodeName $values->nodeName.':'.$itemCounter;
                } else {
                    $nodeName $values->nodeName;
                $tempNode[$nodeName] = array();
                $values->nameString $values->nodeName;
                if($values->attributes) {
                    for($i=0;$values->attributes->item($i);$i++) {
                        $values->attributeNodes[$values->attributes->item($i)->nodeName] = &$values->attributes->item($i)->nodeValue;
                $values->children $this->extractDOM($values->childNodes);
                $tempNode[$nodeName] = $values;
            } elseif(in_array($values->nodeType, array(XML_TEXT_NODEXML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE))) {
                $values->parentNode->valueDataType = &$values->nodeType;
                $values->parentNode->valueData = &$values->data;
            } elseif($values->nodeType === XML_PI_NODE) {
                $this->DOMProcessingInstructions[] = array('target' => $values->target'data' => $values->data);
            # other wise we ignore as all that's left is DOMComment
            # note DOMComment Will only output in XML format they are not saved!
        return $tempNode;
 * @internal internal array parser, turns any array into a DOMDocument
 * @param unknown_type $node
 * @param unknown_type $parentNode
private function convertArray($node=false,$parentNode=false) {
        $toRemove = array();
        foreach($node as $nodeName => $nodeValue) {
            if($parentNode) {
                if(is_numeric($nodeName) && (intval($nodeName) == $nodeName)) {
                    $parentNode->parentNode->appendChild($newElement $this->DOMDocument->createElement($parentNode->nodeName));
                    $toRemove[] = $parentNode;
                } else {
                    $parentNode->appendChild($newElement $this->DOMDocument->createElement($nodeName));
            } else {
                $this->DOMDocument->appendChild($newElement $this->DOMDocument->createElement($nodeName));
            if(is_array($nodeValue)) {
            } else {
                if($nodeValue == strip_tags($nodeValue)) {
                    $newTextNode $this->DOMDocument->createTextNode($nodeValue);
                } else {
                    $newCDATANode $this->DOMDocument->createCDATASection($nodeValue);
        foreach($toRemove as $remove) {
            if(is_object($remove->parentNode)) {

RSS-PHP Dependencies

As RSS-PHP utilises the DOM to parse RSS, and the DOM Extension is installed as part of the PHP Core, RSS-PHP's only dependency is PHP 5.

RSS-PHP Internationalization and Character Encoding Support

Don't worry! rss-php automatically detects encodings and changes them to UTF-8 on the fly.

Valid XHTML 1.0 Strict

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